Darker View is Back

You may just have noted that DV was down for a few days. While I poked at the issue a bit I did not find the problem until today, Saturday. I finally had time to really sit down and figure out what was wrong.

Waterlilies in an ornamental pond, iPhone photo processed in Prisma
It turns out the my service provider rearranged some things, the big one being the URL’s for the SQL database hosting machines. Thus, while all of the website files were there, they could not get to the databases that provide all of the actual content.

I probably received some e-mail explaining that there would be a change. I just ignored it in the usual torrent of messages I get every day.

Server names updated in the setup files and a few PHP scripts, it appears everything is back online. Sorry for any confusion!

Author: Andrew

An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of Hawaiʻi.

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