Industrial Design

Continuing in my 3D printing bender I have been finishing up a few projects that have been on hold due to missing bits. A few other prints have been done to improve the printer itself. While along the way there have been a couple things designed and printed just for fun.

Minimalist 3D Printed Lamp

I needed a lamp to keep the 3D printer bed illuminated without leaving all of the garage lights on. This light would allowed me to keep an eye on long prints using one of the little Wyze security cameras.

A bright LED supplied by the 24V power supply of the printer would be just the thing.

I ended up printing and building two… While the first pass of the design worked nicely for the printer, I decided to do another pass with some improvements. I had all the parts lying about, why not? This one was just for fun.

An attractive and functional design, the key goals in classic industrial design.

A minimal frame that swivels by means of 3D printed ball joints at the top and bottom of the shaft. The luminaria at the top contains the LED and heatsink, nothing else, the absolute minimum. In the base is a small circuit board with a current regulator for the LED. This is hidden underneath a disk magnet epoxied as both a cover for the electronics and a solid method of mounting the lamp to a ferrous metal surface.

Included here are the source files and 3D SLT files for the lamp if you want to print your own.

ItemPart #SourceQtyCost
White LED AssemblyCREEXPE2-830-1$3.29
Heatsink 22 x 22mm$0.89
Current Regulator, 24V 3WMR16 1-3X3W$4.48
DC Jack, 5.5mm x 2.5mm$1.19
LuminairePrinted, 10g PLA 48min1$0.18
BallPrinted, 1g PLA 6min2$0.01
BasePrinted, 48g PLA 2h17m1$0.78
Brass tube, 1/8″ x 10″5024120Ace Hardware1$2.39
Magnet, 25mm x 3mm$2.10

Author: Andrew

An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of Hawaiʻi.

One thought on “Industrial Design”

  1. Impressive that the printer is sufficiently precise to generate functional ball and socket joints.

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