Total Lunar Eclipse and Mars

Total Lunar Eclipse and Mars

The eclipsed Moon south of the planet Mars just a week after opposition, Canon 6D and 105mm f/4 lens

The eclipsed Moon south of the planet Mars just a week after opposition, Canon 6D and 105mm f/4 lens

One thought on “Total Lunar Eclipse and Mars”

  1. Saw you got a bitsy pic on the keck website and it made me smile. Been meaning all day to come check your site. Wasn’t Mars just fabulous? I think even my cheap binoculars would have been able to tell it was a planet. But the moon, oh the moon. My entire life I’ve never gotten to see such a full eclipse and the range of colors involved. Fir the first time in my life I was able to visualized the moon as a globe, not a flat disc. I mean, I KNOW its like a marble, but that is in opposition with what my eyes can see.

    As the moon moved overhead (starting along highway 19 from Waimea down to our lanai, for viewing) the lighter glow area began to move around the perimeter. It seemed to move from about 2 0’clock to about 4 o’clock. It wasn’t just the shadow going back across, it was originating from a different (perspective, place?.)

    thanks for this!

    I wanted to go join the folks in the turn around area at the top of Waikoloa road, but knew even with my hoodie, and jeans and socks, I’d just freeze to death. The wind.

    How much different it must be the higher you go because we’ve been having some vog.

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