Mercury Appears in the Dawn

The planet Mercury is starting a morning apparition. The planet should become visible this week just above the dawn as a magnitude -1 object. The planet is moving more than 1° further from the Sun and higher in the morning sky each day, reaching a maximum elongation of 22° on June 24th.

Mercury Events for 2015

  Date UT Date HST Separation
Maximum Elongation Jan 14 19:59UT Jan 14 09:59HST 18.9°E
Inferior Conjunction Jan 30 13:40UT Jan 30 03:40HST  
Maximum Elongation Feb 24 15:59UT Feb 24 05:59HST 26.7°W
Superior Conjunction Apr 10 03:52UT Apr 09 17:52HST  
Maximum Elongation May 7 04:59UT May 6 18:59HST 21.2°E
Inferior Conjunction May 30 16:53UT May 30 06:53HST  
Maximum Elongation Jun 24 16:59UT Jun 24 06:59HST 22.5°W
Superior Conjunction Jul 23 19:18UT Jul 23 09:18HST  
Maximum Elongation Sep 4 09:59UT Sep 3 23:59HST 27.1°E
Inferior Conjunction Sep 30 14:36UT Sep 30 04:36HST  
Maximum Elongation Oct 16 02:59UT Oct 15 16:59HST 18.1°W
Superior Conjunction Nov 17 14:45UT Nov 17 04:45HST  
Maximum Elongation Dec 29 02:59UT Dec 28 16:59HST 19.7°E
Source: NASA Sky Calendar and the Mercury Chaser’s Calculator, yes there appears to be a bug in the NASA sky calendar that always puts XX:59 minutes for the maximum elongation time.


Author: Andrew

An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of Hawaiʻi.

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