HB1067 Mauna Kea Development Moratorium

With the Hawaii state legislature now in session we now have a clear view of those bills targeting the controversy on Mauna Kea. While of the bills concerning the mauna are indirect, one is quite direct. HB1067 is a complete ban on any development above 6,000ft on Mauna Kea. Blunt and simple.

The Thirty Meter Telescope
An artist concept of TMT at night, with the laser guide star system illuminated.

Introduced by representative Amy A. Perruso  representing central Oahu district 46, Launani Valley and Wahiawa . The bill has a long introduction, but a very simple change to the state statutes…

§304A-    Mauna Kea conservation district lands; development; prohibition.  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no new construction or development on conservation lands on the Mauna Kea summit located at six thousand feet above sea level and higher shall take place after December 31, 2019.

HB1067 from the 2019 Hawaii Legislature

Beyond just stopping the TMT project, the bill would also stop any improvement to the facilities at Hale Pohaku, such as the sorely needed upgrades to the visitor center. Those have now started, with the new parking lots being installed this year.

The bill has passed first reading, a pro-forma step in the legislative process, and has been referred to three different committees. These include Water, Land, & Hawaiian Affairs, Judiciary, and Finance.

Personally I suspect this bill will get nowhere in the legislature. It will die simply by receiving no committee hearing. Under Hawaii legislative rules the bill must be heard in committee once referred. If no hearing is scheduled, the bill dies a quiet death of neglect. This is the usual fate of an unwanted bill, death with no blame attached for anyone involved.

Author: Andrew

An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of Hawaiʻi.

One thought on “HB1067 Mauna Kea Development Moratorium”

  1. This bill scares me, why should a legislature person( from Oahu) feel the need to try to control our Mauna ?
    I will fight Sen Kahele tooth and nail to stop his one man shut down of our most precious resource.. Hes not his father ,thats for sure. Elder kahele would have done a survey of all persons on BI first and would have done what THEYwanted not his own personal agenda. KAI Kahele wil only serve his own agenda. His dad would not have approved.

    Recent suvey shows 70 % of the BI residents support TMT, whys this? Maybe the 1 millon dolars a year given graciously to the STEM program,way before they ever lay the cornerstone of TMT ,to help our kids reach to the best they can be is proof enough.

    Has Sen Kahele made the same effort to help the kids have a better future. NOPE!!!
    When time comes to vote this joker to the US Legislature dont forget what Kai has tried to do to
    KILL any program to help the kids. I wont forget

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