Nebulae!! NGC1976 or M42, the Great Orion Nebula, taken with the Canon 20Da and a AT6RC telescope. The Rosette Nebula and cluster, NGC2244, NGC2236, NGC2237 and NGC2238, photo is a stack of 19x8min @ ISO1600, Canon 20Da and TV-76mm The Lagoon Nebula and The Trifid Nebula, single 8 minute exposure at ISO 800, Canon 20Da DSLR camera mounted on a Televue-76 APO telescope with a 0.8x focal reducer/field flattener The region around Gamma Cygni in Hydrogen Alpha, including the nebulae IC1318 and NGC6888 The Lagoon Nebula, NGC6523, in Sagittarius, 11 x 8min exposures, Canon 20Da and AT6RC The Orion Nebula with and EOS-M, 40x30s exposures @ ISO12,800, AT6RC and 0.8x focal reducer M42, The Orion Nebula, Canon 6D and TV-76mm, 16x240s+10x60s+10x15s @ISO6400 The cluster NGC6520 and the dark nebula B86 lost in the immensity of Baade’s Window The Swan Nebula, NGC6618, 8 x 8min with the Canon 20Da and AT6RC The ηCarina Nebula NGC3372, Canon 6D and TV-76mm Share this:TweetWhatsAppEmail Author: Andrew An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of HawaiĘ»i. View all posts by Andrew