There are quite a few different bills proposed for this session of the Hawaii legislature that address astronomy and Mauna Kea. Of the more interesting there are proposals for an independant manangement body for the mauna, 4WD drive access to Mauna Kea and Waipio valley, addressing light pollution, and an audit of OMKM.
As some of these proposals have a direct effect on the mauna and upon me personally I intend to address each of these proposals in blog posts. I also intend to submit testimony on these bills, reading and blogging on them will help.
- SB3090 Mauna Kea Management Authority
- SB1025 Relating to Light Pollution
- HB1159 Relating to Light Pollution
- HB1767 Related to Motor Vehicles (4WD on Mauna Kea and Waipio)
- SB2325 Relating to Mauna Kea (Audit)
- HB1565 Relating to Science and Technology Research
Just added! (12Feb2018)
As usual for the Hawaii legislature there is occasionally both a house and senate version some of the bills. These must be reconciled in the end as they wend through the rather interesting process our state lege uses. Several of these have passed first reading, the first weeding out of bills in the process for this session.