It was fun. It is always fun!
Prince Kuhio Plaza is the largest mall on the island. Perhaps small by large city standards it is still the focal point of shopping in Hilo. The observatories and a few other organizations use tables all through the branches of the mall. In the center of it all is a stage with live music, giveaways and other activities for the crowd. The whole thing is a great family day and a great outreach opportunity.
Last time around the activity at the Keck table was astro-Haiku. Not to malign poetry, some folks did write pretty good haiku. We need something more engaging… Poetry just does not grab the kid’s attention. This time around I planned to have lasers!
The laser spirograph and laser ray trace tables were setup and ready for the kids. The exhibits were dreamed up after last year’s AstroDay, this year they exist. Nothing like a little laser light to get things going. To this we added an exhibit Shui came up with for Keck open house, a camera and computer that manipulated the image using a green screen effect, making it appear our guests were floating in space. From everything I saw the new exhibits were a big improvement to our display.
After spending my shift on the booth I turned things over to our relief crew and headed out to see the rest of AstroDay. I stopped by and chatted with so many of the folks I know, catching up on news and checking out their exhibits.
I spent more than a few minutes checking out Gary Fujihara’s meteorite display. Gary is the prime mover behind AstroDay, the guy who arranges this event to make the rest of us look good. His table is usually a great stop, with a real reason to stop by this year. He had Chelyabinsk fragments in the display! A chance to see bits of the meteor that caused the blast seen around the world.
My thanks to David, Alan, Al, Ean, Steve, Luca and Gavin for helping out with the Keck booth. With some great help we made it come together this year. Looking forward to next year’s AstroDay!

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how fully this post answers your Creationist Astronomy post from one week ago. You willingly go the distance to infect people with your love and comprehension of the universe. Your picture of M6, in that post, reminded me that it was M6 in a 10X binocular field that drew me in while searching for Halley’s comet in 1986. I was observing from 10 degrees N latitude under very dark skies. Sagittarius was high overhead and M6 was like a stunning vortex. The beauty and mystery overwhelmed me.
Astru-Haiku just ain’t going to do it like lasers, infrared cameras, and greenscreen imagery. You make it seem as though the effort and time expended were pure joy. You are a good communicator (and photographer); keep it up. As Emily Dickinson wrote: “Too bright for our infirm delight, the Truth’s superb surprise. As lightening to the children eased, with explanation kind. The Truth must dazzle gradually or every man be blind.
It was nice to seeyou again