When you want to see the stars, find someplace dark
Star Party Gallery
The telescope line at Sentinel for the 2005 Sentinel-Schwaar Star Gaze
Cliff sets up his 24″ scope on the next target.
Telescopes at Oregon Star Party 2013
A princess looking through the telescope while we were set up at the King’s Shops
Chris Fuld collimating his 40.5 inch dobsonian
The observing table during visual observing, all the necessities… charts, guides, binoculars, observing notebook and something to drink.
The 11″ NexStar GPS telescope, GyPSy set up at Ka’Ohe
The observing field at the Farnsworth Ranch, with the Silverbell Mountains in the background and Kitt Peak just visible at far right. The field is unusually green after heavy spring rains. The clouds are rapidly departing to the east.
A trio of telescopes awaiting darkness at Oregon Star Party
The NexStar 11″, the TV76mm and a Canon 60D setup for astrophotography at the MKVIS
Debbie Goodwin gazes at Saturn through a C-14 at an evening star party in Waikoloa
Bright sunset colors silhouette a telescope at Oregon Star Party 2013
A family enjoys a view of the Sun in the telescope
Tony shows a group of enthusiastic student views with his 12.5″ dob.
Observing from the Mauna Loa research station, the trace of red lights in 116 x 20sec exposures, the AMiBA telescope is in the background
A telescope set up on the grounds of the Mauna Kea resort awaiting dark skies
The restored 20″ Obsession telescope set up at Hale Pohaku on the side of Mauna Kea
A camper and telescope set up under a starry sky
Ken and Ann Jones oberving with their 18″ at Oregon Star Party 2013
The author waiting for dark at the 2005 All Arizona Messier Marathon with my usual visual setup including Deep Violet
Steve Dillinger’s 20″ Dob awaiting full dark at Sentinel, AZ with Venus and the Moon shining behind
My 18″ telescope Deep violet set up under the stars at the MKVIS.
Visitors enjoy telescopes under the star at the Mauna Kea VIS
Olivier beside his new telescope, a 12″ Orion Dobsonian
A line of big ‘scopes to greet a huge Saturday crowd at the MKVIS
A group of local school students with the 20″ telescope
Visitors enjoy great views of an active Sun at the 2012 Waimea Planet Walk
The 20″ Obsession telescope awaiting full dark at Kaʻohe, on the side of Mauna Kea
Maureen sharing her telescope with guests at Keck’s Evening with Astronomers
Deb pointing out the star βPhoenicis to VIS volunteer Joe McDonough
Everyone at the VIS was enjoying the night!
Green lasers in use at the Mauna Kea VIS nightly observing with the Milky Way high overhead
Almost all of the big dobsonian telescopes to be found on Hawai’i show up at the VIS for the night.
Tony’s 14″ dob with a long line of folks waiting to view
Local amateur astronomers set up their own telescopes behind the main building at Lick Observatory
A trio of telescopes set up for astrophtography at the Mauna Kea VIS
The telescopes are nearly ready, now to wait for dark!
The 20″ Obsession telescope being set up at Kaʻohe, on the side of Mauna Kea
Maureen setting up for some public observing to support Keck’s Evening with Astronomers