When you want to see the stars, find someplace dark
M42, The Orion Nebula, Canon 6D and TV-76mm, 16x240s+10x60s+10x15s @ISO6400
The Swan Nebula, NGC6618, 8 x 8min with the Canon 20Da and AT6RC
The region around Gamma Cygni in Hydrogen Alpha, including the nebulae IC1318 and NGC6888
The Rosette Nebula and cluster, NGC2244, NGC2236, NGC2237 and NGC2238, photo is a stack of 19x8min @ ISO1600, Canon 20Da and TV-76mm
The ηCarina Nebula NGC3372, Canon 6D and TV-76mm
NGC1976 or M42, the Great Orion Nebula, taken with the Canon 20Da and a AT6RC telescope.
The Lagoon Nebula and The Trifid Nebula, single 8 minute exposure at ISO 800, Canon 20Da DSLR camera mounted on a Televue-76 APO telescope with a 0.8x focal reducer/field flattener
The Lagoon Nebula, NGC6523, in Sagittarius, 11 x 8min exposures, Canon 20Da and AT6RC
The cluster NGC6520 and the dark nebula B86 lost in the immensity of Baade’s Window
The Orion Nebula with and EOS-M, 40x30s exposures @ ISO12,800, AT6RC and 0.8x focal reducer