Cherry Blossom Festival is a huge event where a large segment of the island population descends upon Waimea for a day of celebration. there are booths and events all across town. There are cultural demonstrations, cooking demonstrations, performances, and lots of food available for an all day, all town festival.
The festival is also a very local event. Sure there are a few tourists drawn to Waimea for a festival. But, by and large this is a local event, the majority of attendees are island residents.
The same plan as last year… Get a few volunteers together, put a few telescopes in the front lawn, invite everyone to look. We accomplish a few things… We remind folks that the observatory is part of the community, participating in community events like this. We get people to look at the universe beyond our small planet, even if just to the nearest star. And, just maybe, we slip a little real science into the conversation.
Our little effort was also fully backed by the observatory outreach committee, they even sprung for a commercial tent to give us some shelter from the Sun, or the rain if Waimea lives up to reputation.
Of course it all works thanks to the dedicated volunteers of the West Hawaii Astronomy Club. These folks are always ready to set up a telescope and show the wonders of the universe to anyone who stops by.
It turns out this particular Saturday that rain was the least of our worries, the sky was completely cloud free all day. Not so much as a wisp of cloud was about to interfere with the view. the intense tropical sunlight was the issue, sunscreen, hats, and umbrellas were required protective gear.
To complement the views in the telescopes Ben arrived, setting up a computer to display a feed from the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. On the monitor you could see the prominences, a magnetogram, and a coronagraph view of the solar corona, all nearly live.
We were busy all day, the crowd around the ‘scopes averaging twenty to thirty folks constantly for the entire time. Scheduled to end at 2pm we were running until after 3pm. Cherry Blossom is a great outreach opportunity where we can reach a lot of folks. A fun and very successful event. Yes, you can call it a star party when only one star can be seen.