Keck Lecture at Kahilu May 10

Dr. Brian Siana
How Stars Destroyed Most of the Atoms in the Universe

Kahilu Theater
Thursday, May 10th

The first galaxies had an extraordinary impact on the young universe. Their ultraviolet light destroyed nearly all of the atoms in the cosmos. This process, called reionization, had severe consequences for galaxies trying to form thereafter. Unfortunately, we have no idea how it happened. In galaxies today ultraviolet light cannot escape, so the first galaxies must have been very different from those we see today. Dr. Siana will describe the quest to detect these first galaxies and their impact on the early universe.

There is no charge for admission to any events in the Makana series.

Presented by W.M. Keck Observatory. This event will also be streamed live on the Keck Observatory website.

Author: Andrew

An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of Hawaiʻi.

One thought on “Keck Lecture at Kahilu May 10”

  1. has to be more difficult than killing a planet :-O

    But Seriously: Looks to actually be an interesting lecture!

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