Postcard from the Universe – Comet C/2012 K5 (LINEAR)

Another product of imaging earlier this week. Comet C/2012 K5 (LINEAR) is fading, but still bright enough to image. Right beside Orion it was well placed to target from my driveway. Just refreshing my comet hunting skills, getting ready for the show over the next few months as C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) comes into view.

C/2012 K5 LINEAR
C/2012 K5 LINEAR with AT6RC and Canon 20Da, stack of 18x6min

Author: Andrew

An electrical engineer, amateur astronomer, and diver, living and working on the island of Hawaiʻi.

3 thoughts on “Postcard from the Universe – Comet C/2012 K5 (LINEAR)”

    1. You have to double process the image, one run registered on the stars, one run registered on the comet. Then mask the two images back together in the final steps.

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