Tag: hermit
Postcard from the Reef – Bloody Hermit Crab
Postcard from the Reef – Haig’s Hermit Crab
Laurent’s Hermit Crab
Laurent’s Hermit Crab
Postcard from the Reef – Laurent’s Hermit Crab
Postcard from the Reef – Hairy Hermit Crab
Postcard from the Reef – Different Occupants
Snails move at a surprising speed underwater, much faster than their terrestrial counterparts. This shell was moving much to fast even for a marine snail. A hermit crab, of course. The shell was familiar, I had photographed a snail wearing the same shell a few mere minutes earlier. The hermit crab was using a basket snail shell.
In the course of identifying the hermit crab I was surprised to learn it was an anemone crab. These usually host an anemone or three on their shells. This crab had none. A new shell? No time yet to recruit the usual anemone? It was fairly small for the species, perhaps a young example.