More scanning, more memories. Taking these old photos out of the boxes has been fun. So many little treasures on celluloid. Photos of myself as a teenager, photos of the neighborhood I grew up in. There is so much of my life stowed away out of reach, converted to digital they live again…
Mt. Hood from highway 35
Middle North Falls in Silver Falls State Park
Silver Creek flows through Silver Falls State Park
The south face Mt. St. Helens a few years after the 1980 eruption with lahars in the foreground
A lahar (mudflow) from the lahar viewpoint on Muddy River and forest road 83
The constellation Orion taken with a simple tracking platform and Ektachrome film
Sunset as seen from from the front porch of my childhood home on Bull Mtn.
Sunrise Lane covered in a fresh snowfall
Jerry’s old barn across the street from my childhood home