When you want to see the stars, find someplace dark
Shooting Sidereal Timelapse
Another night on the summit for photography, another night of dual lasers working the sky above the Keck telescopes.
A Celestron telescope drive configured as a sidereal rate tracking camera platformI have never really had a chance to properly use the old Celestron mount for photography after finishing it a few months back. Short tests, but nothing properly following the sky for hours on end as the equipment was meant to do.
It works, and it works very well indeed.
The video below contains 2.5 hours of time-lapse at 15 second for each exposure for 557 frames. Put that together and render at 24fps and you have the following result…
Very nice
Wow, you allow all that car traffic during imaging? We don’t even allow that much white light at my club site.
It was more than usual, half the islands photographers came up for the lasers and Milky Way.