A Tool Rack

Building some small telescopes there are tools scattered across the workbench. Hex drivers are the most common tools on the bench to deal with the cap head socket screws I use for everything in my designs.

A rack for Bondhaus hex drivers
A rack for Bondhaus hex drivers

The hex drivers are supplied with a vinyl pouch. While a pouch may be a good solution for storing the tools, it is not a good solution for using the tools. I have to take out all of the drivers to find the one I want, invariably a small size buried under the bigger tools. The result is a scatter of tools across the bench and constantly trying to remember where I set down the one I need.

Sure, you can buy a nice little stand or rack, but they seem to be either cheaply made or expensive.

With a 3D printer available you see where this is going.

If you like what you see you can download the design at my place on Cults3D.

The design works very nicely, organizing the drivers where I can find them quickly and conveniently. Now to make a couple more racks for the small Wiha drivers I use for fine work and another for a set of larger screw drivers.

Yeah, I can make that.

Looking at the catalog I look at a price that is just too high. A few bits of molded plastic for almost a hundred dollars? You are kidding? Right?

A Fan Grill for $93??
A Fan Grill for $93??

Well? I need this. Actually I need a few of them.

This is when my frugal nature hits hard… I can make that.

Continue reading “Yeah, I can make that.”

Holoholo – A 10.1” f/4.5 Travel Telescope

Living in the islands provides excellent observing for an amateur astronomer such as myself, but there are drawbacks. I do miss the large star parties, getting together with hundreds of other observers to see other telescope setups, to learn, and to share the sky.

The 10" f/4.5 travel scope Holoholo
The 10″ f/4.5 travel scope Holoholo

Thus I have made a habit of traveling to the mainland once in a while to attend one of the larger star parties. This year I will again attend Oregon Star Party. It has been a while, the last time was 2017, the year of the total solar eclipse.

Traveling from the islands to a star party makes it a challenge to bring a large telescope. Last time I borrowed an 11”, not a bad solution, it worked, but it was not my ‘scope. This time I was determined to realize a long considered idea, to build a substantially sized travel telescope. Thus Holoholo was designed and built, a 10.1” f/4.5 travel ‘scope.

Continue reading “Holoholo – A 10.1” f/4.5 Travel Telescope”