Sometimes the photo does not quite work as planned. Turn to shoot the guys following me into a cave, except that the flash does not fire… It helps to turn it on. Expecting the result to be a discard, I am surprised to see a rather interesting photo…
When you want to see the stars, find someplace dark
Sometimes the photo does not quite work as planned. Turn to shoot the guys following me into a cave, except that the flash does not fire… It helps to turn it on. Expecting the result to be a discard, I am surprised to see a rather interesting photo…
It looks to me like the two divers are being chased by a giant shrimp or lobster. 🙂
I’m guessing there are actually three divers and that is what I am really seeing. But I could swear that last one has antennae 🙂
I love how sometimes you get home and discover entirely different things on your SD card than what you thought you’d captured.
We found lobster in the cave, but not that big;) I am pretty sure the third object is Mark’s fin.