While the top posts of 2018 are interesting, the list is quite different when treated to a list of my favorite posts of 2018. The posts chronicle a very eventful year, a little too eventful perhaps. Fire and destruction was brought to a large section of the island, the entire island shaking and shuddering as the volcano erupted.

As I compile this list I relive 2018 a bit, recalling good memories and the year’s many adventures. As I often state… DarkerView is a blog in the old sense, a web-log or online diary. It may be public, but it is also quite personal, a record of my life.
- The 8″ f/6 Cave Astrola Lightweight Deluxe
- Restoring the Cave Astrola
- HB1767 4WD On Waipio and Mauna Kea
- Scientific Misappropriation
- A Moonlit Hike to Lake Waiau
- A Very Unstable Day
- To See The Eruption
- Burning Farms
- Midnight Run
- Emergency Alert Fatigue
- Stray
- Please Define Normal
- To Fly
- The Mavic Air
- Learning to Fly
- Another Hop Across the Pond
- Gypsum Creek Mine
- Fixing the Boat
- At Anchor
- The Ruins of Namu
- Mowing the Lawn
- TMT Permit Upheld by State Supreme Court
- Justice Wilson’s Dissent
- The Divide
- Ancient Nothings
- A Walk in the Park
That is a long list! I find myself unable to shorten that list by much, indeed, there are good posts that should be added. The length of that list states one thing very clearly… 2018 was an eventful, interesting year.
A distinct change in this year was my increased political activity, particularly as it surrounds Mauna Kea. I am not just discussing blogging here, there was more… From submitting written testimony on state legislative actions, to attending public meetings, and testifying on issues I feel strongly about. The blog posts record some of that, but by no means all.
The year was eventful on the mauna. With record bad weather in the beginning of the year ruining many night of observing. there was plenty to keep my busy through the year. There is much to feel satisfied about, a few nice accomplishments, even a small victory or two.
The annual Alaskan voyage may very well be my last, my father is considering selling the boat, something that was always part of his plan. Certainly this was my last run along the Inside Passage, a milestone that I mark with some sorrow.
I re-read my written memories here, recall much of what has happened this year. I suspect that 2018 will stand out in my memory when other years have grown dim with fading memory.